Sunday 6 March 2011

Final Music Video

Overall, I am pleased with my final music video as I think the genre is clearly portrayed through the lyrics, narrative and costume of the singer. I think I have also presented my singer in a similar way to how I think her record company would, which makes her appeal to her target audience and connect with the viewer.

I was also pleased with the audience feedback I recieved as the teachers and students genuinely seemed to like the video. A student commented that my music video looked like an Avril Lavigne video which I was really happy to hear as I had looked at her video's for inspiration as she is one of my favourite artists and is also from the same genre of rock/pop.

There were a few differences between my final music video and the original animatic I made. This was mainly due to the fact that after I had shown the first draft of my music video to people, I was advised to make some changes to my video and to add some new shots in order to improve it. Therefore, some shots that I drew in the animatic are not in my final music video. For example, shots of the singer miming in her bedroom and jumping on the bed are not in my final video as I was advised to re-film them in order to take shots to show the singers anger.

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