Monday 7 March 2011

The process of filming

  • The first filming I did was of me miming to the music in my bedroom and jumping up and down on the down on the bed.
  • Then I filmed the narrative side of the music video. I wanted to film the singer having fun with her boyfriend at the park, then I wanted three 'popular' girls to come and make fun of them, and I wanted to show one of the girls flirting with the singers boyfriend to make the singer angry.
  • I filmed again on the same day at sixth form. I Wanted to film the singer trying to work and two of the three girls laughing at her. Then i wanted to film her leaving the room but finding the third girl hugging the singers boyfriend outside.
  • After editing all these shots together, i decided that the shots of the singer miming in her bedroom didn't quite fit it. Therefore, i decided to re-film, so i filmed in a different room, and used more of a variety of camera shots and made sure the miming was more realistic.
  • After replacing the old shots with the new ones, i decided this as my first draft and showed in to other student and teachers to receive some class feedback.
  • After hearing that people thought some of my filming of the singer miming were not energetic and didn't show the singer wanting to rebel, I decided to again, do some more filming to show the singers anger and frustration.
  • Therefore, I decided to film the singer crying and smudging her make-up, smashing a vase against a wall and ripping up a love letter etc.
  • After editing in these shots, my music video was completed.

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