Sunday 20 March 2011

Avril Lavigne Don't tell me analysis

'Don't tell me' by Avril Lavigne was one of the music video's that inspired me and gave me ideas for my music video. The video was directed by Liz Friedlander in 2004. The music video and song is about Avril Lavigne being mad at her boyfriend and breaking up with him. For example, some of the lyrics are: 'This guilt trip that you've put me on won't mess me up, i've done no wrong, any thoughts of you and me have gone away . . . I'm better off alone anway.'

A close up is used of Avril's legs which shows the viewere her black, pink and white skull and cross bone socks. This represents Avril's pop/rock and pop/punk genre of music as this styling is often used to promote this music. Similarly, as Avril Lavigne uses a recurring them of black and pink throughout her music videos and costume to promote her pop/punk image, I have also used a recurring theme of black and pink in my digi pack to appeal to my target audience of young teen girls.

Furthermore, Avril's costume when chasing after her boyfriend also clearly represents the image, style and genre she wants to create. She wears a tight black corset top with skinny black jeans, a silver studded belt with silver chains, converse shoes and a black glove. This style of clothing again appeals to her target audience. For part of my music video I also wore black skinny jeans and a silver studded belt in order to show clear representations of my genre of pop/rock.

Fast paced editing is used to show Avril's anger as she throws a glass of water against the wall to smash it. This builds up excitement for the viewer and shows Avril's rebellious side which again suits the genre of pop/rock and pop/punk music.

I used a similar technique in my music video, as I used two seperate long shots to show me throwing and smashing a see-through flower vase against a wall outside. I also, like Avril Lavigne, wanted to build up excitment and show the singers anger and rebellion. I also kept the smashing sound of the vase in my music video, as Avril Lavigne does as I thought it gave an interesting effect as it stands out in the song and therefore, the viewer is drawn to the sound of the vase smashing as well as the video which adds to the anger felt by the singer.

Long shots are used to also show Avril trashing her bedroom. This again shows her anger and again appeals to her terget audience of teenage girls as they would be experiencing anger and confusion with relationships and boyfriends etc.

I also used long shots of me trashing my bedroom for example, I pushed my chair over and sweeped papers of the desk . I also wanted to reflect teenage girls and to show that I am also angry at my boyfriend and am rebelling.

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