Friday 17 December 2010

Music video directors

Some music video directors i looked at were:

  • Liz Friedlander as she directed Losing Grip - Avril Lavigne, Don't Tell Me - Avril Lavigne, You Learn - Alanis Morissette and Miss Independant - Kelly Clarkson.

  • Diane Martel as she directed Nobody's Home - Avril Lavigne, Whattaya Want From Me - Adam Lambert and America's Suitehearts - Fall Out Boy.

  • The Malloys as they directed Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne, He Wasn't - Avril Lavigne and Complicated - Avril Lavigne

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Music Videos that inspired me

Some music video's I have seen that have inspired me, are:

Leona Lewis - Run, Bleeding love

Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending, When you're gone, Don't Tell Me, Alice, Girlfriend, The best damn thing, He wasn't, Sk8er boi, Complicated

Evanescence - My Immortal, Call Me When You're Sober, Lithium

Pink - Family Portrait, Don't Let Me Get Me

Kelly Clarkson - Since you've Been Gone, Because Of You

Adam Lambert - Whattaya Want From me

Linkin Park - Numb,

30 Seconds To Mars - The Kill

Greenday - Wake Me Up When September Ends, 21 Guns, Jesus Of Suburbia, Good Riddance

Fall Out Boy - Sugar We're Going Down, This aint a scene, Dance Dance

Nicleback - How You Remind Me

Lost Prophets - Rooftops

Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag

All American Rejects - Gives You Hell

Mika - Happy Ending

Alanis Morissette - Ironic

My Chemical Romance - Helena, The Black Parade

The Rasmus - In The Shadows

Panic At The Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies

Girls Aloud - Whole Lotta History

Sugababes - Caught In A Moment, Shape Of My Heart

Christina Aguilera - The voice Within, Hurt

Britney Spears - Everytime

Tuesday 16 November 2010


Animatic explained

Our animatic of Nickelback's Hero was a group project between five of us.
We chose the song by writing a list of possible songs that we all liked, then by process of elimination, we decided on Hero.

How we produced it:
  • We found the music video online
  • One of us sketched the outline of each of the shots onto the story boards
  • Two people then outlined and added in detail to the sketches in black marker pen
  • Two people then coloured the shots in
  • We then took it in turns to take pictures of the separate shots in the story board
  • W then loaded the photos onto the computer and uploaded them to Imovie
  • We took it in turns to crop the photos and edit the photos in time to the song
  • Finally, we uploaded the animatic onto our blogs


Sunday 14 November 2010

Filming schedule

The shots of the singer miming in her bedroom will be filmed in my bedroom at the weekend.

In planning to film the shots of the singer working in her sixthform with the other two girls lauging at her and the shots where the singer sees her boyfriend hugging another girl, I need to ensure that all of the actors I need in my video are free at the same time. Therefore, I will film at lunchtime as the actors are available.

I will then film the singer and her boyfriend at the park, as I need the weather to be nice and the weather forecast did not predict rain.

I will film these on thursday so that the actresses can get dressed up and prepared in third lesson media in order for us to be ready to film at lunchtime.

Saturday 13 November 2010

Prop list

What I will need :

  • A keepsake box

  • A rose

  • A mobile phone

  • A love letter

  • An excersise book

  • A pen

  • Maybe a microphone

Friday 12 November 2010

Shot Locations

Some locations I'm going to use are:

  • The Park

  • School/sixth form

  • My Bedroom

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Treatment for my music video.

Some of my ideas for my music video:

After studying the lyrics I came to the conclusion that the song is about a girl that is experiencing some hard times in her life. Such as maybe a break-up in a long relationship, or falling out with friends and family. She sounds generally frustrated and just wants to runnaway and do what she wants.

Therefore, in my music video, i might show that she is an unsteady relationship and may be about to loose her boyfriend. Also, I would like to show that she is being picked on by class mates as this would add to her angy and upset emotions.

At the beginning of the music video, I might show some clips of the singer (who will be played by me) having a good time with her boyfriend maybe at a park.

I would then film some teenage girls coming up to them and making fun of the girl - the singer, then i would show one of them flirting with her boyfriend to really make her angry.

I might also film the singer (me) finding her boyfriend hugging the girl that was flirting with him earlier in the music video, then i will show the singer storming out.

I will mime some of the song in my bedroom as i want the protagonist to reflect a typical teenage girl.

I might take some shots of me jumping up and down on my bed and acting wild to show that the singer is rebelling and showing her anger.

I may also film the singer looking at photos of her and her boyfriend and throwing them in the bin.

What I will need:

I will need to find a suitable location such as a park. I will also need to film in a bedroom which will probably be mine.

I will need along with me playing the singer, three teenage girls and a teenage boy.

I may need a microphone, a camera, a memory box/trinket.

I have chosen to do this for my music video as i think my ideas will fit in well with the style of song and the lyrics. As the genre of the song is pop/rock, i think it will be appropriate for the singer to be rebellious, especially as the song is about her anger and frustration. Also, as the artist is a female singer, it would be ideal for me to act as the singer.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Research into my singer

The unsigned singer I have chosen is a young adult from America named Jessica Drake. By listening to a collection of her songs, I have found that her genre is mainly pop/rock. I have chosen her because one of my favourite artists is Avril Lavigne and I think Jessica Drake's style and music is similar to hers. Therefore, I will look at Avril Lavigne's music videos, style and costume and look at the way her record company present her to attract her target audience, which is also mainly teenage girls. I will ensure that the singer in my video, presenting Jessica will have a style to show that her genre is pop/rock by wearing black as this represents the rock genre or black and pink as this would be similar to Avril Lavigne which will attract and appeal to my target audience. This will also be the same case for my digi-pack as costume and style are a key marketing technique. The singer will also appeal to her target audience in the music video through the lyrics of the song as they are about her getting heart broken. Many teenage girls would be able to relate to this, and therefore would be more likely to purchase her cd.

Sunday 24 October 2010

My Target Audience

My target audience is mainly teenage girls as they would look up to the singer in my music video, as teenage girls would look up to her as they will be able to relate to her song lyrics and will see her as an inspiration and might follow her style and fashion examples. As the genre of my music video is pop/rock, teenage girls would be most likely to listen this, as it is a modern genre so adults would be less likely to be fans of this music. I also think females would be more likely to listen to Jessica Drake as she would sing songs that appeal to them, such as heart break and boyfriends as they would be able to relate to this. I also think that teenage girls would be more likely to buy her c.d as they would be more likely to visit music stores and go shopping etc.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Original ideas for my music video

Now that I have chosen a song and know who my target audience is, know my genre of song and understand the lyrics, I have started to brainstorm my ideas in order to build up on them.

  • I want the singer to have a boyfriend that leaves her for another girl.
  • I'd like the singer to look through photos and love letters and gifts from her ex-boyfriend as this will show the viewer that she is heart broken.
  • I want to show the singer rebelling to show her anger. She could either rip up pillows, trash her room or throw something at her ex-boyfriend.
  • I would like a narrative and performance video.

Saturday 16 October 2010

What the lyrics mean to me/analysis

In the first verse of the song, it seems like the singer is having trouble with her boyfriend or friends, or both. For example, 'just cut the sound, or there might resort to violence.' This seems as though someone has been annoying her and she just wants them to shut up because she's getting angry.

In the chorus, from my understanding of the lyrics, it seems as though she has had enough of her boyfriend and friends etc. It seems as though she is also gettting upset and angry. 'When you're feeling their hurting you, let it go, there's nothing controlling you.' This shows that wants it to all go away, and that she just wants to be happy as she is going through a bad time. This is also shown in the words 'just close your eyes and hide.'

In the second verse the singer seems annoyed that she is always working when others others are having a good time and enjoying themselves and laughing. It also seems that her boyfriend is has upset her or has mayber left her for another girl as the lyrics are : 'It'll ruin you, they'll be chewing through your heart and then you'll snap.' This shows she could be heart broken.

At the end of the song a few lines from the chorus are repeated : 'If you think there's something hurting you, got to know it's not controlling you, slow it down, you've gotta make up your mind and then you're moving the line, just slow it down.' This repetion shows that she has to make a desicion on what to do and that she has to move on, and forget about her boyfriend.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Slow it Down song lyrics

Do you think you're funny and do you think i care?
Cuz you're always talking,
always blocking out the words i need to be there
and i cant think straight when you're bruising up the silence
you start breaking down, just cut the sound
or there might resort to violence

When you feel like dancing on, let it go
there's nothing controlling you, let it show you when and how
you've gotta make up your mind and then your moving the line
just slow it down
when you're feeling their hurting you, let it go
there's nothing controlling you
let it show you when and how
you've gotta make up your mind and then you're moving the line
just slow it down

People work all day and they go the extra mile
and they're working hard, they're playing cards
and putting on the plastic smiles
but don't give up too much if you know you won't get back
it'll ruin you, they'll be chewing through your heart and then you'll snap

When you feel like dancing on, let it go
there's nothing controlling you, let it show you when and how
you've gotta make up your mind and then your moving the line
just slow it down
when you're feeling their hurting you, let it go
there's nothing controlling you
let it show you when and how
you've gotta make up your mind and then you're moving the line
just slow it down

If you think there's something hurting you
got to know it's not controlling you
slow it down
you've gotta make up your mind and then you're moving the line
just slow it down

Saturday 18 September 2010

Finding a song

I searched for unsigned singers and bands online on websites such as youtube and I listened to several different songs by different singers and groups and noted some of my favourites. I then narrowed my list down and decided to choose a song called 'Slow It Down' by Jessica Drake which I found on

Monday 2 August 2010

Spike Jonze

One of the directors I looked at was Spike Jonze. He is an American director who has produced several successful music videos, including:

Fatboy Slim - Weapon of choice

Bjork - It's Oh So Quiet

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

Daft Punk - Da Funk

Sunday 1 August 2010

Michel Gondry

I researched and looked at some music videos by famous music video directors. One of them was Michel Gondry. He is a French film, commercial and music video director. He is known for his inventive style in his work.

Some of his successful music videos include: Come Into My World - Kylie Minogue and Mad World - Gary Jules

Friday 16 July 2010

The Auteur Theory

Auteur is the French word for author. The theory means that the authors voice is distinct enough to show through their work. Film producers/directors are considered to exert a similar auteur influence on films they have produced.

For example, a music video director might show their own interests through the music videos they have produced. I believe in some cases this is true. I have also shown my interests etc. In my music video through my costume, locations and props.

Monday 12 July 2010

Richard Dyer's Star Theory

The Star theory is made up of three theories.

  1. The star is a construction. This is the belief that the stars, meaning, singers are not real, as they have been manually made to appeal to fans. This also means that the stars might not exactly be who we think they are. For example, they only wear the clothes they wear because they have been told to by their management team, or they only sing the lyrics that they sing because they have been told to sing them by professional lyricists.

  2. The star is a commodity. This theory is the belief that stars are constructed by their record company in order to appeal to more people and to make more money. Therefore, they will be marketed in a way to attract their target audience. For example, beyonce is marketed to appeal to girls through her stylish clothing and image as she always wears fashionable clothing and has a good figure, because of this many girls look up to her and want to be like her. She therefore, also sells many posters and magazines etc.

  3. The star is an ideology. This theory is based on the belief that the artists fans can relate to the singers lyrics and attitudes. For example, Avril Lavigne sings about things that appeal to the female audience as they have also experienced similar things or are involved in the same issues, problems etc. For example. she sings about experiences with boyfriend's and loosing people through death, which many girls would have experienced.

Sunday 11 July 2010

The Voyeurism Theory

The Voyeurism theoy is based on the belief that in some media, there is a notion of looking. Sometimes, this can be in a sexual way. Often in media, women can be portrayed as objects or they are presented as being shown just to look at. This theory is also applied to some music videos as some objectify and sexualise women. Some music video's have even been banned or cut and sensored for extreme cases of this. I have not used Voyeurism in my music video as music videos which have a similar genre to pop/rock do not tend to have this in their music videos. I want the viewer to focus on the singers voice and the song and her style instead.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Goodwin's six points

  • Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics.

  • There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals

  • There is a relationship between music and visuals

  • The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work

  • There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.

  • There is often intertextual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).

Saturday 3 July 2010

Analysis of REM's Losing My Religion

Losing My Religion by R.E.M is a very well known pop/rock song. The music video is a narrative video, however, it also has the lead singer (Michael Stipe) lip syncing the lyrics. From the title 'losing my religion' it is already expected that the music video will have religious imagery or religious references.

Camera shots.
A variety of different camera shots are used throughout the music video. A long shot is used at the start of the video to show the setting of the video and the singer - who is presented as being the leader of the band and the most important member. An extreme close up is used to show someone massaging the singers shoulders. This connotes that the he is stressed or worried about something. Therefore, this makes the viewers want to know why. The most likely reason for this could be that he loves someone, who does love him back. This would suit the lyrics in the song. For example - "the lengths that I will go to, the distance in your eyes..." This could mean that he goes to extreme lengths to try and impress his lover, however, she is distant and does not feel the same way for him. There also shots of the singer standing with white wings behind him. This also connotes religion, as they make him seem like an Angel.

As in most music videos, the clips from 'losing my religion' are edited precisely to the beat of the music. This reinforces the rhythm of the music and it allows the viewer to feel the music as well as just hearing it. Some editing effects are used. For example, a blur is used on the close up of the singers eye. This may indicate that he is sad.

Mise en scene.
Flashes of light are used to accompany the editing of the clips at the beginning of the song. This makes it seem as though photographs are being taken as the flashing light could represent the flash on a camera. A spotlight is used throughout the video and there are close ups of the spotlight on the lyrics "that's me in the spotlight." This is effective as it fits in with the narrative and makes the music video very literal. There is religious imagery throughout the video. For example, there in an angel and angel wings. The main setting of the video is an old looking room which may also have some historical/biblical references.

As for the sound, there is no sound other that the actual song in 'losing my religion' which is typical of most music video's.

Music video's and production

A music video is the combination between a song and short film. Music video's are mainly for the purpose of promoting the singer or band as they are used as a marketing device. There is usually a relationship between lyrics and visuals in music video's and this is also one of Goodwin's six points. A music video also aims to entertain and attract viewers as this will encourage viewers to buy the artists single or album.

In the production of music video's, before they are released to the general public, music video's are regulated by different companies and may sometimes be censored if the content is disturbing or offensive etc.