Tuesday 16 November 2010

Animatic explained

Our animatic of Nickelback's Hero was a group project between five of us.
We chose the song by writing a list of possible songs that we all liked, then by process of elimination, we decided on Hero.

How we produced it:
  • We found the music video online
  • One of us sketched the outline of each of the shots onto the story boards
  • Two people then outlined and added in detail to the sketches in black marker pen
  • Two people then coloured the shots in
  • We then took it in turns to take pictures of the separate shots in the story board
  • W then loaded the photos onto the computer and uploaded them to Imovie
  • We took it in turns to crop the photos and edit the photos in time to the song
  • Finally, we uploaded the animatic onto our blogs

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