Wednesday 11 May 2011

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I used a wide range of media technologies throughout the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages of my media project. I used Google Blogger through the entirity of the project to show my progression and thought process in the build up to my final music video. At the beginning I used websites such as for research on music video directors and theorists, I used to find an unsigned artist and I used to watch and analyse music videos.

I also used the television so that I could use music
on demand to select a music video to analyse, such as Kelly Clarkson - 'Since U Been Gone' and then pause the t.v to take a photo of the screen and upload the images to blogger so that I had embedded screen shots from music videos.

When filming my music video, I used a high quality video camera and a tri-pod to ensure that I had steady shots to make my video seem more professional. After filming, I used a programme named I-movie on the Apple mac computers to edit my filming. I found this extremely useful as I was able to apply many effects and filters to my shots.

When producing my digi-pack, I used a high quality digital camera to take several possible photos to use in my digi-pack and magazine advert. I then used a programme names Picassa photo editor which is similar to Photoshop to edit my images.

Also, in the evaluation stage, I used a built in webcam to record myself answering Evaluation Question 1.

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