Wednesday 11 May 2011

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I think my music video, digi-pack and magazine advert work well together as they are all very similar. I think I have made my genre clear through these three products as the singers style of clothing is similar in all three products and I have also kept similar colour themes such as black and pink, as black represents rock music and pink represents pop music.

In my digi-pack and magazine advertisement I have used the same hand written style font as I wanted the text to look like it had been written on, as this makes the digi-pack and magaine advert seem personal to the consumers as it seems as though the singer has wrote the text on every digi-pack sold. I also used this as Avril Lavigne has also used this hand written text on her 'The Best Damn Thing' album. I think this shows the creative side of the artist which would appeal to teenage girls with large imaginations. It could also be seen as graffiti, as the front cover of my digi-pack, is a photo of the singer drawing stars on the wall which could again hint at her rebellious side, which also compliments the genre of rock/pop. Similarly, in my music video I have also shown the singer drawing a broken love heart in a sketchpad to again show her creative side which will appeal to teenage girls.

I have used a theme of stars in all three products. For example, I have used stars in my digi-pack and on the singers clothing in the music video as she wore a black top with silver stars on it. Avril Lavigne is also known for using stars in her clothing, digi-packs and magazine adverts as stars are often associated with pop/rock music. Therefore, I also used a theme of stars in order to appeal to and attract my target audience.

I think the combination of my products has established what type of artist the singer is, what genre of music she sings and what style and image she has. These are important marketing factors as these help to attract the target audience. Through my products I have presented the singer as being a 'rock chick' who is creative, rebellious and is also an ordinary girl as her fans would be able to relate to her.

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