Friday 16 July 2010

The Auteur Theory

Auteur is the French word for author. The theory means that the authors voice is distinct enough to show through their work. Film producers/directors are considered to exert a similar auteur influence on films they have produced.

For example, a music video director might show their own interests through the music videos they have produced. I believe in some cases this is true. I have also shown my interests etc. In my music video through my costume, locations and props.

Monday 12 July 2010

Richard Dyer's Star Theory

The Star theory is made up of three theories.

  1. The star is a construction. This is the belief that the stars, meaning, singers are not real, as they have been manually made to appeal to fans. This also means that the stars might not exactly be who we think they are. For example, they only wear the clothes they wear because they have been told to by their management team, or they only sing the lyrics that they sing because they have been told to sing them by professional lyricists.

  2. The star is a commodity. This theory is the belief that stars are constructed by their record company in order to appeal to more people and to make more money. Therefore, they will be marketed in a way to attract their target audience. For example, beyonce is marketed to appeal to girls through her stylish clothing and image as she always wears fashionable clothing and has a good figure, because of this many girls look up to her and want to be like her. She therefore, also sells many posters and magazines etc.

  3. The star is an ideology. This theory is based on the belief that the artists fans can relate to the singers lyrics and attitudes. For example, Avril Lavigne sings about things that appeal to the female audience as they have also experienced similar things or are involved in the same issues, problems etc. For example. she sings about experiences with boyfriend's and loosing people through death, which many girls would have experienced.

Sunday 11 July 2010

The Voyeurism Theory

The Voyeurism theoy is based on the belief that in some media, there is a notion of looking. Sometimes, this can be in a sexual way. Often in media, women can be portrayed as objects or they are presented as being shown just to look at. This theory is also applied to some music videos as some objectify and sexualise women. Some music video's have even been banned or cut and sensored for extreme cases of this. I have not used Voyeurism in my music video as music videos which have a similar genre to pop/rock do not tend to have this in their music videos. I want the viewer to focus on the singers voice and the song and her style instead.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Goodwin's six points

  • Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics.

  • There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals

  • There is a relationship between music and visuals

  • The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work

  • There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.

  • There is often intertextual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).

Saturday 3 July 2010

Analysis of REM's Losing My Religion

Losing My Religion by R.E.M is a very well known pop/rock song. The music video is a narrative video, however, it also has the lead singer (Michael Stipe) lip syncing the lyrics. From the title 'losing my religion' it is already expected that the music video will have religious imagery or religious references.

Camera shots.
A variety of different camera shots are used throughout the music video. A long shot is used at the start of the video to show the setting of the video and the singer - who is presented as being the leader of the band and the most important member. An extreme close up is used to show someone massaging the singers shoulders. This connotes that the he is stressed or worried about something. Therefore, this makes the viewers want to know why. The most likely reason for this could be that he loves someone, who does love him back. This would suit the lyrics in the song. For example - "the lengths that I will go to, the distance in your eyes..." This could mean that he goes to extreme lengths to try and impress his lover, however, she is distant and does not feel the same way for him. There also shots of the singer standing with white wings behind him. This also connotes religion, as they make him seem like an Angel.

As in most music videos, the clips from 'losing my religion' are edited precisely to the beat of the music. This reinforces the rhythm of the music and it allows the viewer to feel the music as well as just hearing it. Some editing effects are used. For example, a blur is used on the close up of the singers eye. This may indicate that he is sad.

Mise en scene.
Flashes of light are used to accompany the editing of the clips at the beginning of the song. This makes it seem as though photographs are being taken as the flashing light could represent the flash on a camera. A spotlight is used throughout the video and there are close ups of the spotlight on the lyrics "that's me in the spotlight." This is effective as it fits in with the narrative and makes the music video very literal. There is religious imagery throughout the video. For example, there in an angel and angel wings. The main setting of the video is an old looking room which may also have some historical/biblical references.

As for the sound, there is no sound other that the actual song in 'losing my religion' which is typical of most music video's.

Music video's and production

A music video is the combination between a song and short film. Music video's are mainly for the purpose of promoting the singer or band as they are used as a marketing device. There is usually a relationship between lyrics and visuals in music video's and this is also one of Goodwin's six points. A music video also aims to entertain and attract viewers as this will encourage viewers to buy the artists single or album.

In the production of music video's, before they are released to the general public, music video's are regulated by different companies and may sometimes be censored if the content is disturbing or offensive etc.