Tuesday 16 November 2010


Animatic explained

Our animatic of Nickelback's Hero was a group project between five of us.
We chose the song by writing a list of possible songs that we all liked, then by process of elimination, we decided on Hero.

How we produced it:
  • We found the music video online
  • One of us sketched the outline of each of the shots onto the story boards
  • Two people then outlined and added in detail to the sketches in black marker pen
  • Two people then coloured the shots in
  • We then took it in turns to take pictures of the separate shots in the story board
  • W then loaded the photos onto the computer and uploaded them to Imovie
  • We took it in turns to crop the photos and edit the photos in time to the song
  • Finally, we uploaded the animatic onto our blogs


Sunday 14 November 2010

Filming schedule

The shots of the singer miming in her bedroom will be filmed in my bedroom at the weekend.

In planning to film the shots of the singer working in her sixthform with the other two girls lauging at her and the shots where the singer sees her boyfriend hugging another girl, I need to ensure that all of the actors I need in my video are free at the same time. Therefore, I will film at lunchtime as the actors are available.

I will then film the singer and her boyfriend at the park, as I need the weather to be nice and the weather forecast did not predict rain.

I will film these on thursday so that the actresses can get dressed up and prepared in third lesson media in order for us to be ready to film at lunchtime.

Saturday 13 November 2010

Prop list

What I will need :

  • A keepsake box

  • A rose

  • A mobile phone

  • A love letter

  • An excersise book

  • A pen

  • Maybe a microphone

Friday 12 November 2010

Shot Locations

Some locations I'm going to use are:

  • The Park

  • School/sixth form

  • My Bedroom

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Treatment for my music video.

Some of my ideas for my music video:

After studying the lyrics I came to the conclusion that the song is about a girl that is experiencing some hard times in her life. Such as maybe a break-up in a long relationship, or falling out with friends and family. She sounds generally frustrated and just wants to runnaway and do what she wants.

Therefore, in my music video, i might show that she is an unsteady relationship and may be about to loose her boyfriend. Also, I would like to show that she is being picked on by class mates as this would add to her angy and upset emotions.

At the beginning of the music video, I might show some clips of the singer (who will be played by me) having a good time with her boyfriend maybe at a park.

I would then film some teenage girls coming up to them and making fun of the girl - the singer, then i would show one of them flirting with her boyfriend to really make her angry.

I might also film the singer (me) finding her boyfriend hugging the girl that was flirting with him earlier in the music video, then i will show the singer storming out.

I will mime some of the song in my bedroom as i want the protagonist to reflect a typical teenage girl.

I might take some shots of me jumping up and down on my bed and acting wild to show that the singer is rebelling and showing her anger.

I may also film the singer looking at photos of her and her boyfriend and throwing them in the bin.

What I will need:

I will need to find a suitable location such as a park. I will also need to film in a bedroom which will probably be mine.

I will need along with me playing the singer, three teenage girls and a teenage boy.

I may need a microphone, a camera, a memory box/trinket.

I have chosen to do this for my music video as i think my ideas will fit in well with the style of song and the lyrics. As the genre of the song is pop/rock, i think it will be appropriate for the singer to be rebellious, especially as the song is about her anger and frustration. Also, as the artist is a female singer, it would be ideal for me to act as the singer.